Wednesday, August 7, 2013

How to Uninstall Strong Vault Permanently - Best Way to Get Rid of Strong Vault

  1. Strong Vault is very tricky and stubborn browser plug-in
  2. Strong Vault slips into computer furtively without user’s consent
  3. Strong Vault can be hardly removed by security programs
  4. Strong Vault keeps popping up advertisements
  5. Strong Vault may occupy browser homepage and redirects search results constantly
  6. Strong Vault may provide malicious links and drop computer with harmful codes

It is undoubted Strong Vault is a legitimate program which conveniently allows users to backup important data online. However, the plug-in it inserts into users’ computer is very annoying to pop up constantly on visiting pages and the removal to this nuisance is quite tough. Regularly, Strong Vault comes into computer as a bundle of free programs that it can be installed into system unwittingly. Even though Strong Vault is able to be uninstall from Control Panel, the plug-in will still hide on computer secretly.

Interfered by Strong Vault, search engines will become weird and take longer time to respond. On one hand, it can alter DNS settings to fully take up your homepage. On the other hand, it may lead to Internet vulnerabilities for online malware to come and damage your system. It is risky to keep Strong Vault on computer for long. In order to make computer for sure, Strong Vault needs to be removed as fast as possible.

What can be taken to remove Strong Vault effectively?

Users who get entangled with Strong Vault must be very upsetting due to the frustration of virus removal. The failure of Strong Vault’s thorough removal can not be attributed to antivirus software but to the virus itself. It is very strong a virus skills in concealing deeply among system files and registry entries that most of the security applications can simply quarantine its infected files but never be able to exterminate this threat once for all. Fortunately, manual removal method is a way that mainly used to pick up the infected files and get them removed permanently. Now, it’s your time to follow the instructions below.

Best way to remove Strong Vault permanently

1) Open Control Panel, click Programs and locate to the Strong Vault program, select and uninstall it.

2) Remove add-ons of Strong Vault from web browsers:

Internet Explorerr:

Click "Tools", choose "Manage Add-ons". Search for Strong Vault related add-ons and disable these entries.

Google Chrome:

Click on wrench icon on the up right corner, click "Tools" and select on "Extensions". Locate Strong Vault icons and trash them.

Mozilla Firefox:

Click "Tools", then go to "Add-ons", select "Extensions" and disable these add-ons created by Strong Vault.

3) Delete the files that Strong Vault drops on system folders:

%Windir%/System32/[RANDOM NAME].exe
%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\Connection Wizard\[random]

4) Click on Start menu, select “run”, type “regedit” on the search box and hit the Enter key.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\random
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\run\ Strong Vault
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run\[random]HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor "AutoRun" = "<malware path>\<random>.exe"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "<random>.exe" = "<malware path>\<random>.exe"

Caution: Though manual removal is the efficient way to get rid of Trojan horse Generic33.CDPK, certain computer skills will be required. Any of the mistaken operation will lead to system crash. If you have no sufficient experience on computer, please feel free to start a live chat with expert here.

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