Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Computer Locked by Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Virus

Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police is exceedingly dangerous ransomware that makes use of the reputation of real authority to scam users with money. It will lock down computer and forbid regular operations in order to keep staying on computer persistently. Basically, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police installs into computer via the assistance of Trojan horse through the Internet vulnerability.

Undoubtedly, it is very annoying to infect with this virus. Besides the screenlock, Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police also accuses users for the fine of CAD $100 for the ridiculous reason of pornographic videos and copyrighted files. Otherwise, you will be prosecuted and put into jail. Apparently, it is really scary for innocent users who meet with this situation for the first time. However, it’s nothing serious as it is completely fake and simply created to make money from your banking account. Users are not suggested to postpone the removal of Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police as it can point your computer into serious troubles. If you don’t know how to remove it, please contact online expert and get help here:

Damages of Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Virus

  1. Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police is undoubtedly dangerous scam program
  2. Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police spreads into computer mainly via the help of Trojan horse
  3. Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police modifies system settings and lock down your screen
  4. Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police displays scary warning to trick users with money
  5. Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police is able to violate system with vulnerabilities and download computer with other malware

Guides to delete infected files of Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police Virus efficiently

Restart your computer, tapping F8 key constantly before the Windows starting to launch and then highlight the safe mode with networking with arrow key and press Enter.

NO.1 Open the Windows Task Manager(CTRL+ALT+DELETE) to stop all Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police processes.

[random name].exe

NO.2 Click "Start" menu and click "Run", enter "regedit" into the box and press the Enter key.

NO.3 Search the keys from the pop up window and delete all of them:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\random
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\run\ Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor "AutoRun" = "<malware path>\<random>.exe"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "<random>.exe" = "<malware path>\<random>.exe"

NO.4 Locate to the system files and get them removed manually:

%CommonAppData%\<random characters>

Attention Please: If you are not so familiar with computer operation, any mistake will mess up system settings and crash down your PC. To make your computer for sure, it is suggested to start a live chat with expert and get professional help here.

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