Category: Malicious Program
Risk Level: Medium
Target: Win7/8, Vista and XP
What is MyPC Backup.exe?
MyPC Backup.exe is not a virus but executable file that claims to help computer users backup all of the system files for the prevention of accidental removal. It is necessary for users paying close attention on bundles of free programs, online games and spam email since it always downloads into computer in those ways. Here is the snapshot of MyPC Backup.exe:
Though MyPC Backup.exe is not a virus, it can turn out to be the source that brings in other malware into computer. Commonly, MyPC Backup.exe can noticed to pop up various advertisements which derive from sponsored websites to make profits from users. In this circumstance, it can be utilized by cyber crimianls to implant malicious codes as well as destructive programs to put computer into great danger. What’s more, MyPC Backup.exe takes up system space and decelerate computer performance. Definitely, it makes not any sense to keep this annoying program on your PC. To the opposite, users need to delete MyPC Backup.exe as quickly as you can.
Why does antivirus software disable to remove ZeroAccess?
Nowadays, a variety of antivirus software can be downloaded from the Internet for the intention of computer protection. But the key point is that MyPC Backup.exe is very tricky to conceal on system covertly with rootkit skill that antivirus programs won’t be able to pick up its file and get it removed. However, manual removal can be regarded as quite effective a way to locate all the infected files and clean them up once for all. If you know a lot about computer, the instructions below will do you a favor to kick MyPC Backup.exe off from your PC.
Manual instructions to remove MyPC Backup.exe step by step
1. Open Control Panel and Click on Programs, then find and uninstall MyPC Backup.exe from system.
2. the Windows Task Manager(CTRL+ALT+DELETE) to stop all MyPC Backup.exe processes.
[random name].exe
3. Click "Start" menu and click "Run", enter "regedit" into the box and press the Enter key.
4. Locate to the system files and get them removed manually:
5. Search the keys from the pop up window and delete all of them:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{28949824-6737-0594-0930-223283753445}\InProcServer32 "(Default)" = "<malware path>\<random>.dll"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\run\ Win64/Patched.A
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run "courts" = %AppData%\p1.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Clients\StartMenuInternet\FIREFOX.EXE\shell\open\command "(Default)" = ""%LocalAppData%\<random 3 chars>.exe -a "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe""
Tips to prevent MyPC Backup.exe from coming back again:
1) Keep updating your antivirus to the latest version regularly
2) Start system scan once per week
3) Download files and programs from official website
4) Be cautious for suspicious links, spam email and porn websites
Caution: Though manual removal is the efficient way to get rid of MyPC Backup.exe, certain computer skills will be required. Any of the mistaken operation will lead to system crash. If you have no sufficient experience on computer, please feel free to start a live chat with expert here.
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